
Practicable is a programme that brings to the fore, materializes or even somatizes some of Hangar’s backbone principles and lines of action.

The first one is the will to widen what is usually understood as “research”, and more particularly, to pay attention to research forms in which, in a peculiarly radical manner, practice is not the applied consequence of previous research, but rather the mode and the condition to bring research forward. Practicable gathers processes in which investigation takes place as practice, through practice, even at risk of setting oneself in motion without prefigurations, without any previous plan and without aiming at results. There is in this kind of procedures a kind of gap between doing and understanding the directionality of what is being done. It is often only later, with a certain distance, après coup, when it becomes possible to apprehend the consistency of a process that went through a sort of momentary blindness.

The second core issue is the one expressed by the suffix “-able”. Connecting artistic practices with Hangar’s historical bond with free software and open source, Practicable focuses on artists and methodologies that open their code; that include such an openness in its becoming -be it in parallel or after- to be practicable, replicable or versionable by others.

Practicable will include different formats, from a one-off presentation to longer and more ramified engagements in response to what each invitation and moment might require. The programme intends to stand at the fold between visual arts and performance context. And more generally, as it is the case for Hangar as a whole, Practicable, looks after a zone of creation that takes place – or struggles to find its place- at the intersection with many others. Ultimately, with each intervention, a sense of cohesion and a way of naming and locating those practices -not as an intersection but rather as a space on their own-will progressively be brought about.

Image: Core by June Crespo, (feet by Mònica Planas and Àlex Palacín). Courtesy of Nogueras Blanchard.


PRACTICABLE 9_Open call: “Why I never became a dancer, anotado” by Jeleton

Monday June 3rd, 2024

Practicable 9 proposes a new “anotado” of the series of...

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PRACTICABLE 8_”Apotome”, solo live performance by Khyam Allami

Thursday May 16th, 2024

Next Wednesday May 29th at 7pm, Khyam Allami will present...

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PRACTICABLE 8_“Otherness and sound technologies” with Khyam Allami

Friday May 10th, 2024

Music creation, as well as sonic imaginaries and vocabulary, are...

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PRACTICABLE 7_Open Call: “Yes to everything” by Marc Vives

Thursday March 28th, 2024

In this edition of Practicable, I want to share questions...

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PRACTICABLE 5_Slow Reading Club / Bryana Fritz and Henry Andersen

Wednesday October 18th, 2023

As part of the Practicable action-research line, and in collaboration...

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PRACTICABLE 4_Alma Söderberg presents ‘New Old’

Sunday October 15th, 2023

On Thursday, November 2th at 18:00 pm, the performer and...

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PRACTICABLE_4 Listening session and conversation with Alma Söderberg and Jaume Ferrete

Wednesday October 11th, 2023

Making voices, synthesis, body, continuity and progression. Modulating the research...

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PRACTICABLE 4_Open call: “Laringe, oscilador (larynx oscillator)” with Jaume Ferrete Vázquez

Sunday October 1st, 2023

Laringe, oscillator (larynx oscillator) is a collective vocal practice in...

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PRACTICABLE 3_’Dance Gathering’ by Alice Chauchat + Hidrogenesse Djs

Wednesday February 8th, 2023

On Saturday 18 March at 7 p.m. Alice Chauchat presents...

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PRACTICABLE 3_Open call: ‘The Dance of Companionship’ with Alice Chauchat

Wednesday February 8th, 2023

The Dance of Companionship, workshop for professional dancers with Alice...

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PRACTICABLE_2. Una secreta correspondencia: Jon Mikel Euba presents Vulnerario

Tuesday October 4th, 2022

On Monday, October 10th at 7 pm, within the framework...

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PRACTICABLE_1: Jinete Útimo Reino Frag. 1, audiotext source code

Tuesday September 20th, 2022

As a kick-off movement of the new research line Practicable,...

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