On June 8, the Programme Commitee of Hangar, together with the jury of Casa de Velázquez and the Institut [...]
The Hangar Program Committee, with the participation of Alexandra Laudo, has decided to select Eduardo Ruiz as the winner [...]
The selection committee was formed by:
Maria Lladó and Susana Millet (Institut Ramon Llull), Marisol López (director of the [...]
Gathered on May 19, 2021, the jury of the Exchange grants for artistic projects between Stuttgart and Barcelona [...]
On May 19, 2021, the Program Committee of Hangar reunited for the resolution of the Production grants 2021, [...]
The jury of the exchange grant between Hangar and the Land Vorarlberg/KUB Bregenz has decided to select as finalists [...]
On-the-Fly selection committee, formed by Lluís Nacenta (Hangar), Lina Bautista (On-the-fly Art co-director), Fabian Van Sluijs (Creative Coding [...]
The jury composed by Miquel Molins (Fundació Banc Sabadell), Lluís Nacenta (director of Hangar), Lucía Egaña Rojas (program commission), [...]
The selection committee formed by Lucía Casani, director of La Casa Encendida, Marta Echaves, researcher and independent curator, Alexandra [...]
The jury for the Beca Contrapicada 2020, formed by Caterina Almirall, Marina Díaz López and Linda Valdés, has been [...]
Hangar’s Program Committee, formed by Lucía Egaña, Caterina Almirall, Alexandra Laudo, Giuliana Racco and Lluís Nacenta, all of whom [...]
The Hangar Selection Committee decides, on November 24th, in a remote meeting, the resolution of the Research and Experimentation [...]
The selection committee consisting of
Eva Soria and Maria Lladó (Ramon Llull Institute), Marisol López (director of the ICEC’s [...]
The committee, met in Hangar and formed by Lucía Egaña as representative of the Programme Committee, Anouchka Skoudy as [...]